Two Tiaras and a Sword

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016

After I finished my blog yesterday evening, I put on a load of laundry, and then I rested a little.  I also watched a show with the Oldest Princess.  Pretty soon everyone else got up and came in to watch the weather for a few minutes, and then we watched another show.

I put the clothes in the dryer, and then went to bed.  My Prince had had a nap, so he said he would stay up and watch the weather so I could get some sleep.  I woke up when he came to bed several hours later, and told me that he thought the worst was over and we were safe.  I woke again at about 4:00, because the wind was blowing so hard, but I fell back asleep pretty quickly, and it felt like just seconds before the alarm was going off.


I got up and did my First 5.  Today it was about Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice.  Because of Jesus's death on the cross, we do not have to go and make animal sacrifices any more.  He died once and for all for the sin of all mankind, and just as there is one entrance into the tabernacle, there is only one way to heaven.  

My Prince left before the kids and I, because he had a meeting.  The Youngest Princess and I left for school and the Oldest Princess and the Young Prince came a few minutes later.  Elementary had chapel today.  We had special music.  It was one of my students who is learning to play the guitar, and his guitar teacher.  My student did a great job!  I am proud of him for getting up there and playing.  The chapel message was about being thankful for everything, in every situation.  A lesson we could all take to heart a little more seriously.  

After chapel, it was a pretty normal day.  My kids are doing great on taking notes for their library research report.  They may all be done early, so we can move on before I had planned.  

When they went to choir, I had a few minutes of quiet time, so I used them to do my Exodus study.  I am supposed to lead the group tonight, and this has been the hardest week for me so far.  But, we had a special night planned, so I was still excited.

We finished our school work really early today, so I read a couple of chapters of Josiah.  One of my students loves to draw and was drawing some of the characters from the story.  About the time she got one finished...(spoiler alert!) that character died.  The kids were all, "NO WAY!!!"  but alas, it was so.  So then my student who draws drew a grave for the character that died.  Fun times in fifth grade!

The Youngest Princess and I came home after school.  The Oldest Princess and My Prince were already at home.  The Young Prince came in shortly after the rest of us.

I did a load of laundry, and got ready for church.  My D group planned to meet early and fellowship and eat before church.  We had camp stew with cornbread, and two ingredient fudge.  It was all very good!  And of course the fellowship was as good as the food.  We girls just need our girl time, you know?  After food and fellowship, we got down to the nitty gritty of Exodus.  My favorite thing that we talked about is how that we are no longer under the law, and how freeing that is, but at the same time, God calls us to live holy lives, because He is Holy.  We are not bound by the law, because our righteousness is through Jesus's blood alone.  Yet that does not in any way shape or form give us a free ticket to live as we wish.  Rich stuff there.  Stuff to chew on.

After church, the kids and I came home.  My Prince had a meeting, so he stayed.  I worked on my blog, the Oldest Princess watched television, the Youngest Princess studied her spelling words, and then turned about 400 flips (thank you Mrs M.)

When My Prince gets home, we will have family devotions, and then we will go to bed.

Before I go, I have to tell you all about a funny that I forgot to share, and then add a few pictures...
First, the funny:  On the way to school the other morning (I can't remember if it was Monday or Tuesday), I was giving the Youngest Princess a pep talk.  I told her to remember that God gave her one mouth and two ears, and that means that God wants her to listen twice as much as she talks (basically trying to get her to understand that I wanted her to be quiet at school).  She instantly replied, "OH!  THAT is a LOT of listening!!"  To which her Daddy quietly said,"Well, that is one way to look at it..."

And now a few pictures...

My girls and me

 My Prince wearing glitter for his girls 

The Young Prince and I

The Oldest Princess ready to cheer

The Youngest Princess doing what she loves to do: cheering

On the way to an early morning cheer competition
ready to cheer her big sister on

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