Two Tiaras and a Sword

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016

*We all slept in a little today since we had the day off

*I did my First 5 devotion.  Today it talked about how God gave very specific instructions on how to build the tabernacle, and He also equipped people to do the jobs that neede to be done.  Just as today, He equips us to do the jobs He calls us to do.

*I got up before everyone else and started a load of laundry

*Then I took advantage of the quiet and did some Bible Study - I love mornings when I don't have to be anywhere, and don't feel rushed to get my study done

*The rest of the morning was filled with laundry, rest, light cleaning and study.

*I thought about grading papers, but I never actually did it.

*The Oldest Princess went to babysit for our friends.

*The Young Prince worked on some homework.

*Poppy flew in from the DR this evening, and My Prince and the Young Prjnce drive his truck to the
   airport so he could have it.  The Oldest Princess, the Youngest Princess and I all followed them, so
   they would have a way home.

*We met up with Poppy and then went to a chicken restaurant for a quick bite to eat.

*We told Poppy goodbye and sent him on his way, and headed back home ourselves.

*We had our devotions in the car - Philippians 2:1-11.  I really liked verses 3-4.  I challenged
   everyone to look for ways to "esteem others better than themselves" between tonight and tomorrow
   night when we have our devotions and give a report of how it went.  The Oldest Princess prayed for
   our prayer requests, and we prayed specifically that God would give is opportunities to put His
   Word into action.  We also prayed that Poppy has safe travels on his way.

*Then, knowing we would be late getting home, I began to work on my blog from my phone (thus
   the bullet point blog).  Everyone is quiet, and we will be home and ready for bed soon.

*It was a good restful day off, and now we are refreshed and ready for the rest of the week.

*Until tomorrow...

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