Two Tiaras and a Sword

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016

This morning it was very hard to get up.  Maybe because we got in bed so late last night.  But eventually we all got up and got going.

I did my First 5 devotion.  It starts out with the quote, "Let's not put a period where our life story just needs a little string of dots..." Lysa Terkeurst  The whole point was not to confuse the delays in our lives with dead ends.  That we often think a matter is closed and done, when God is still working everything out.  And how that often when we do this, we take matters into our own hands, and that's when things really go awry.  It is so much better to just be patient and wait on God and His timing.  I will be one of the first to admit that waiting is not necessarily one of my strong points.  It is actually one of my very least favorite things to do.  But I have learned this: that if I wait on the Lord, He handles things SO MUCH BETTER than I would have myself.  Things work out way more efficiently than when I try to maneuver and plan and scheme.  Every. single. time.

I also  thought that the quote was pretty cool, because I end each blog with ellipsis points, basically saying that there is more to come.  This is not the end.  There will be more tomorrow.  It may be drastically different, it may be exactly the same, but there is more to come.  God is not finished with me yet.  And even if I don't wake up tomorrow, the same is true.  There is more to come, only it will be in eternity with my Lord and Savior.  Can you say the same?  I pray that you can.  If not, please feel free to message me.  I would love to talk with you and show you how you can say the same.

School was a pretty normal day.  My students all worked hard and did what needed to be done.  They are such a great bunch, and they aim to please. I can not ask for more.  I love them and I love being their teacher.  I would not want to do anything else.  At least, MOST of the time. Wink, wink.

After school, the Youngest Princess and I played a game.  She beat me.  My Prince and the Young Prince went to get haircuts.  The Oldest Princess had cheer practice, and then went and had her nails done.  After our game, I did some studying - in Exodus about Moses's staff, and the Youngest Princess studied for her language quiz and her spelling words.  The Young Prince came in and worked on some of his homework.  My Prince and I cooked dinner.  He grilled and I did some of the sides inside.  We ate, and then the Oldest Princess went upstairs to study. We straightened up a little and did a load of laundry.

It was a nice, uneventful, quiet evening at home.  Oh, how I have missed them!  Oh, how I have enjoyed this one!  The Youngest Princess has finished with her shower and just came in here with her giant stuffed bear and tangoed around the living room.  That my friends is entertainment!  And now that she is ready to go to bed, I am going to round this up so that we can have family devotions and actually get in bed and hopefully to sleep before 10:00 p.m.  That sounds heavenly!

Until tomorrow...

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