Two Tiaras and a Sword

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 10, 2016

The Youngest Princess and I went to bed and read our chapter of Mandie.  While we were reading, the Youngest Princess learned what the word nonchalantly means.  When we finished reading, we had our own little prayer time.  She prayed for Wisdom for us to understand what her children's pastor and her daddy were preaching today.  Afterwards we talked about how wisdom is actually being able to apply what we understand.  How that yes, we need to understand what they say, but that having wisdom is taking it a step further and applying what we have learned to our lives this coming week.

Then talk turned to an upcoming trip that we have been wanting to plan for several years now, and finally actually started planning.  We were looking at pictures online and talking about what we want to do and how excited we both were.  I finally told her we had to go to sleep, or we would never be able to get up in the morning.


I woke up feeling like I had a golf ball stuck in my throat.  Ugh!  No fun!  But as I got up and started moving around, I did begin to feel a little better.

I was getting dressed for church, when My Prince got a call from one of our church members.  It was a potential safety concern.  I was a little bit nervous, but we prayed and I felt comfortable.  I did text my brother and sister in law and ask them to cover us in prayer as well.  The kids were still getting ready when we left, so we told them to wait until we texted them before they followed us.  We got to church and just as we knew He would, God worked everything out.  If you talked to me before Sunday School, and I seemed a little distracted. I am very sorry!  I love you dearly, but my mind was elsewhere until I knew for sure that everything was okay. In this day and time, we just can not be too cautious.  A shout out to our men who work on our security team.  You guys are great.  And for those of you who brave the cold on days like today, I appreciate you even more!

Poppy came in and said that Grammy was going to take a power nap in the car, because she was on medicine that made her really sleepy.  I had just found out that we were not having Sunday School because our Sunday School teacher had broken his arm and had surgery and was not up to teaching.  So I went and got Grammy and she and I headed back to the house for her to catch a power nap, and then go back to church for the morning service.

When we got home, the dogs or cats or something had gotten into the garbage, and it was all over the place, so I got a garbage bag and picked it all up.  Then, while Grammy was resting, I did a little of my personal Exodus study.  I read chapter 3, and then it was time to go back to church.

The church service was wonderful.  My Prince preached using the passage from Matthew 19 on the rich young ruler, and being All In as a Christian.  It was very good, and very convicting.  We all need to take steps to be All In as Christians.

Grammy and Poppy left after church, so we told them good-bye after the service.  They are headed back to the mission field for about three months.  We will miss them, but we are glad that they will be somewhere they love doing what they love.

Then we had a new members luncheon.  It was nice to have time to get to know a couple that have been visiting our church a little better over lunch.  The Young Prince was looking out a window after he finished his lunch and saw a man he did not recognize walking around the church.  He told My Prince, and My Prince went outside by himself to talk to the man.  Of course I was worried that it was connected to the scare this morning, but it turned out to be someone else.  It was actually a man who had been an exchange student and had lived with one of our church families 16 years ago.  He had come back for a visit, and was just walking down memory lane.  It made me very nervous, but again, all was well.

After lunch, My Prince stayed to teach a new members class, but the Young Prince, the Youngest Princess and I came on home.

The Oldest Princess, who had gone to lunch with a friend, was not too far behind us in getting home.  I laughed when she told me that some of our good friends pulled into the restaurant right behind them.  I love small town life!  Chaperones provided by God!  It was a good reminder to our Oldest Princess, because I told her last night when we told her that she could go, that she needed to remember that she represented God, her daddy and our family, and that we expected her to behave accordingly.  We checked with our friends after church tonight, and got a glowing report on her behavior.

I finished my Exodus study, and got everything I needed together for my Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills class.

My Prince came home, and I was glad for us all to be back under one roof.  We had a quiet uneventful afternoon, and before we knew it it was time to head back to the church.  My Prince got finished pretty early tonight, so I lost some time in my Bible Drills class.  I am really feeling the pressure to help the kids learn the verses they need to learn, and feeling very crunched for time.  We rushed and did get a drill done, but we had to make some parents wait, and some kids had to leave early.  Hopefully next week we will get back into the swing of things, but this year more than ever, my kids are going to have to study at home in order to be as ready as I want them to be come drill time.  If you think about it, please pray for our drillers that they will have the time and the drive to practice at home and that they will be prepared, but more importantly that the verses and passages they learn will help them make wise life choices in the future.

We got home and had leftovers for dinner.   Then we read Proverbs ch. 10 together and had a time of prayer as a family.  Then we sent the kids up to pick out their clothes for tomorrow and begin to get ready for bed.   My prince and I had a few minutes to talk about the day before I called it a night and headed to bed.  It was definitely not the way I saw today playing out, but our God is awesome and nothing takes Him by surprise.

Now, I am going to go read to the Youngest Princess.  Lord willing, until tomorrow...

1 comment:

Carson Coronado said...

It is wonderful to read about the family you have. I also know not every day turns out as we plan it. Most of the time we either end up doing something we never thought of or something happens that we did not expect. My wife and I are always happy that we are healthy and so are the kids.

Carson Coronado @ Old St. Mary's Detroit