Two Tiaras and a Sword

Saturday, August 6, 2016

August 5 - August 6, 2016

Friday, August 5 - I woke up and did my First 5 devotion.

I had a message on Facebook from a friend whose son is a young football player at our school (he was actually a student in my class last year).  She wanted to tell me that her son had been paired up with the Young Prince at football practice the evening before, and that he got in the car all excited because the Young Prince had been such an encouragement to him, and had taught him several things that were really helpful to him.  She wanted me to know.  So exciting to me, especially since just the night before (after said football practice), I had talked to the Young Prince and told him that I wished he could see what I see when it comes to the influence that he has on the people around him.  I wish he could see how others look up to him. I had told him of a person that I had heard recently that he had had an influence on, and he was surprised, because he had no idea that that person looked up to him.  The Oldest Princess had chimed in on how she had known about his influence over that person as well.  So, I reminded him how much influence he has, even when he has no idea, and how he should always strive to use that influence for good.  He seemed to be soaking in what I said.  And then I wake up to this message.  I shared it with the young Prince.  It made me proud, but it also helped him to be even more aware of his potential to be a leader for good in his sphere of influence.

My Prince left for a meeting, and the Young Prince left to go finish painting a fence that he and several friends had started painting back before we went to World Changers.

The Oldest Princess and I got ready to go to a conference about an hour and fifteen minutes from our house to do our Bible Drill in a Box.  The teachers of the younger students could not go, so the Oldest Princess said she would go with me and make their box for them.

Grammy was sweet enough to come and sit with the Youngest Princess while the rest of us were all over the place doing different things.  Grammy got there, and the Oldest Princess and I left

We had a nice trip.  It was good.  Just the two of us.  No distractions.  Time to talk, and laugh, and even cry a little.  We stopped and had lunch before we got there.  We may have had to turn around a couple of times on our way there.  The Oldest Princess was the driver and I was the navigator.  But we made it with plenty of time to spare.  I went to check in where My Prince told me to go.  It was the wrong place, and we had to go back to a different place to check in.

We still had plenty of time, so we browsed around in the gift shop for a while.  I found a waterproof bag like one my friend Special K let me borrow when we went tubing a few weeks ago.  I bought it, because I thought that it might come in handy to have should we ever need one.  We still had time to spare (we got there REALLY early), so we sat in the rocking chairs for a few minutes.  Then we went to our class.

The class was wonderful as always.  The lady who does it is always very organized, and she has everything we need to be able to make a game for all 24 verses, and then some games for review, for learning the books of the Bible, and for learning the key passages.  It is basically preparation for a whole year of Bible Drills taken care of in 2 hours.  Okay, well, we didn't completely finish everything, but we got a lot of it completed, and have the tools to finish it all.  It is a wonderful class. It has definitely been a blessing to me for the last two years.

After the class, we headed home.  I had not felt great all day, and I had a really bad headache.  The Oldest Princess told me to take a nap, so I did.

When we got home, I grabbed something to eat, and took some medicine in hopes that it would help my head to feel better.  I also laid on the couch for about 15 minutes hoping to feel better.

Then we went to the church, and met one of my friends who offered to help, and we packed the backpacks we bought on Thursday with the supplies that we also bought on Thursday. I knew we had about an hour and 15 minutes to get it done, and was hoping that we would be able to get them all done in that amount of time.  The Oldest Princess, the Youngest Princess, my friend and I all worked very fast, and had most of them done by the time My Prince and the Young Prince came to join us.

When we finished, we took them up to the auditorium and put them on the stage so that everyone can see what their donations were able to accomplish.

After that, we went to the fellowship hall to visit/help out a little with those who were decorating for the youth pastor's wife's baby shower.  Our youth pastor loves to drive in races, and they know that they are going to have a boy, so they did the shower in a race car theme.  It was really cute!

After that, we left to go to a birthday party.  It was my friend's daughter's 14th birthday.  It was a swimming/glow party.  The Youngest Princess had a blast swimming with her little friends that were there.  The Oldest Princess just stayed for a few minutes, and then left to go to her D group's campout.  They actually slept in a tent, y'all.  In all of this heat.  Yuck!  The Young Prince sat around and talked with the adults for a while and then played some with my friend's son who is going into the third grade this year.  My Prince and I enjoyed getting to catch up with friends we have not been able to talk to much this summer.  So a good time was had by all.  I was still feeling a little puny.  I hoped that a good night's sleep would make me feel much better.

When we got home, I pretty much went right to bed.

Saturday, August 6 - We slept in pretty late this morning.  I guess we were all tired.  When I woke up, I watched the First 5 weekend wrap-up video.  Then I got up.  Today was the day of the Home and Farm expo.  I was a little excited because I have heard about it for several years, but we usually have some kind of volleyball something or other, and we are unable to go.  This year it worked out that we were going to be able to go. At least for a little while.  So I got ready.  But I was still not feeling good.  I felt a little sick to my stomach, and my head hurt pretty badly.  But I pushed through.  The Oldest Princess came home, got a shower, and promptly fell asleep in the recliner.

My Prince, the Young Prince, and the Youngest Princess all went to the home and farm expo.  The Oldest Princess stayed home.  It was extremely hot.  We tasted peaches.  We could have sampled honey.  We saw goats.  The Youngest Princess petted a snake.  We got free corn (they wanted to know if we wanted mayo and Parmesan cheese on it.  That is a first.  I had never heard of that.  We opted for plain.  We visited with friends we haven't seen in a while, and friends we see on a weekly basis.  The Youngest Princess and her friend held baby chicks.  I thought we would never drag her away from those chicks!  We sampled blackberry ice cream, and peach ice cream.  We watched a machine turn a log into boards.  We learned about fire ants.  If it had not been SO hot, I would have enjoyed staying and learning more things, but we were melting (and the heat was not helping me to feel any better), and we had a baby shower to attend, so we had to leave.

When we got home, the Youngest Princess and I got another shower, and got ready to go to the Youth Pastor's wife's baby shower.  We had a good time visiting with everyone there, and seeing all the cute gifts that she received.  We are excited for the baby to get here, so we can all spoil him.  We helped to clean up a little at the end, and then we came home.

When we got home, Grammy and Poppy where here.  They came over because we were going to grill out.  They had everything almost ready.  I took some medicine and came upstairs to lay down and see if I could get my headache to ease off some.  I was hurting across the back of my head, and usually when I get those kinds of headaches, I just have to sleep them off.  I did feel a little better by the time dinner was ready, and I hoped that eating would make it feel even better.  But no such luck.

After dinner and cleaning up the kitchen, I laid down on the couch.  Poppy and My Prince joined the girls and I and we just visited for a while, while the Young Prince and Grammy ran to the store.  When they came home, Grammy and Poppy went home to where they are staying.  The girls and I watched some of the Olympics.  I tried to blog and watch the Olympics, but that was going nowhere fast, so I came upstairs to finish the blog so I can go to sleep and hopefully get rid of this headache and queasy feeling once and for all.  Two days of feeling like this is ENOUGH.

*I have to add a story from last Thursday that I was reminded that I had forgotten to blog about.  Last Thursday while we were at the Young Prince'a football practice, I was standing in the gym talking to some friends.  My Prince came in the door and made a sarcastic remark about one of my friends ("Aunt D") and not being surprised at finding her talking.  She playfully kicked at him and hit his watch with her foot.  He grabbed it and acted like he was hurt, and gave her a hard time.  When we got home, he googled a picture of a bruised hand/arm, and sent it via a group text message to her and me pretending that it was his hand/arm and that she had done that when she kicked him.  She text back, "Ha, no way!!"  I didn't want her to worry, so I quickly told her that she could not believe him.  Then she wanted to know where he got the picture.  I told her that he had probably googled it.  She was glad that it wasn't his arm.  She said she had actually worried that it was his arm at first.  And he just wanted to mess with her a little and give her a hard time.  What are friends for?  I love that we have a good relationship and can tease with one another from time to time.  Speaking of, I know it was her husband who moved our trash can when we first moved to this house.  Even though I don't think he has ever admitted to it.  But that is a story for another day, another blog.

Now, I am going to get some rest and try to feel better.

Until I blog again...

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