Yes, I have to do a thankful Saturday, because this morning, I have even more than usual to be thankful for.
I am thankful for friends who helped the young prince when he realized he didn't have all of his equipment. I am thankful for a coach who helped him get prepared when all of his equipment finally made it to him. I am thankful for the lessons on responsibility the young prince learned, and will continue to learn from this experience.
I am thankful for a safe trip to our away football game. I am thankful that each boy that was down on the field last night got up and walked back to the sidelines (and it seemed there were more than usual last night). I am thankful that our boys played hard and did great. I am thankful for God's timing, and the fact that halftime was over, and all of our children, cheerleaders, players, and fans were back on our side of the field.
I am thankful that there were just downed power lines, and that no one got hurt. I am thankful that we did not all witness a helicopter crash in front of our eyes. I am thankful for flashlight apps on telephones. I am thankful for the safety of the helicopter pilot. I am thankful for the mother that helped The youngest princess find me in the few minutes of confusion that followed the darkness. I am thankful for a group of students that conducted themselves wisely, and calmly (for the most part) followed directions. I am thankful for emergency responders, who quickly had the situation under control.
I am thankful for safety back to our cars. I am thankful that despite the fact that we heard there was a prison riot down the road at the prison, that is all we knew of it, and that it was in the opposite direction from where we needed to go in order to get home. I am thankful for the motion sickness medicine that helped me not to get sick on the way home. I am thankful for cell phones that allowed me to keep in touch with Marc through it all. I am thankful that Brooke and I were with friends. I am thankful, so very thankful, for a safe trip home after a totally crazy night.
I am thankful for the porch light, and the comfortable, safe feeling of pulling up in the driveway. I am thankful to have us all, and a few more, back together within the walls of our home. I am thankful for a good night's rest after it all. I am thankful that although it was a crazy night, that God protected and provided, because it all could have ended in an entirely different way.
And that is why I had to do a Thankful Saturday. Yes indeed. All of that thankfulness had to come out. It couldn't hold until Thursday.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalms 92:1-2 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,
I am thankful that our girls felt the need to pray, I believe, after half time.
Absolutely :-)!
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