Two Tiaras and a Sword

Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Days of Thankful (10)

Today I am thankful for people who do the very important, behind the scenes stuff in life that usually goes unthanked and unrecognized.

I am thankful for nursery workers,

For children's choir teachers,

For children's church workers,

For Sunday School teachers,

For youth workers,

For sound people,

For pianists, and organists,

For choir members,

For music directors,

For secretaries,

For finance people,

For greeters,

For custodians,

For those who take care of the lights and the heat and air,

For those who decorate,

For those who cook,

For coaches,

For piano teachers,

For lunchroom workers,

For volunteers,

For those who simply think of others and show it by small gestures like a smile, a question, or a hug

Who can you think of today, that is faithful in doing something that they rarely get thanked for?  Take a moment, to share a smile with them, and genuinely thank them for the job they do.

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