Two Tiaras and a Sword

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Help, please!

Okay, so I have been doing Thankful Thursdays for a while now, and of course have a never-ending supply of things to be thankful for. But, one of my MANY reasons for doing Thankful Thursday posts, is to inspire others to be thankful as well. So this morning I had an idea. I would like to do a Thankful Thursday post using some of the things you all are thankful for.

Try to think of something specific, yet out of the ordinary, that is a blessing from the past few days in your life. Then send it to me via email, or private message on facebook. Please don't post it as a comment if you want it to be in the actual blog post. I would like to use your first name along with your quote, but if you do not want me to, then just put anonymous please after what you are thankful for, and I will post it as anonymous. I just think it will be fun to see what others are thankful for. I also pray that this will help us to be more aware of the blessings in our lives, and inspire others to be more thankful in their lives too., please :-). Send me your thankful Thursday quotes between now and next Wednesday night, and I will post them as next Thursday's Thankful Thursday blog post. I can't wait to hear from you! Happy Thankful Thursday!

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