Two Tiaras and a Sword

Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 7, 2016

I woke up and started getting ready for church.  All went fairly smoothly this morning as far as Sunday mornings go.

My Prince left a few minutes earlier than us, because we were having an appreciation breakfast for our area teachers, and he wanted to be there a little early to greet anyone who might come.  The kids and I got finished getting ready and went to the breakfast ourselves.

After the breakfast, My Prince and I quickly fixed the little teacher appreciation gifts that we wanted to pass out after church.  We would have had them put together earlier, but we were waiting on one thing to add to them that was picked up Saturday evening.  Which meant putting them together Sunday morning.

We got them put together quickly though.  And I think everyone liked theirs.  They all got really excited about the chocolate and the sticky notes.  So, if you want to give a teacher a little pick-me-up gift, just know that you pretty much can't go wrong with chocolates and sticky notes.

During the service, My Prince challenged us from Galatians 6:7-9.  He encouraged us not to be weary in well doing, but to be faithful even on the days when it seems like what we do does not matter.  It was a good sermon.

After church, we went to eat, and then back home.  I worked on my Bible study.

The kids left for drama.  My Prince, the Youngest Princess and I left a little while after them.  The Youngest Princess went to choir.  My Prince went to a youth parent meeting, and I went to my group meeting.  I am glad we were finally able to meet on a Sunday evening again.  Hopefully now, we will continue to meet on Sundays as we get back into our routines.  Our lesson was on lies that Satan would have us believe about our children.  It was an eye opening chapter, and it brought about some good discussions.  K, we missed you!

After our class, my friend shared with me that she saved the picture of the sunrise on the beach from my blog.  The one on the morning when I spent time praying for our children.  She said that she used that picture for when I text her, and that every time she saw it, it reminded her to join us in prayer for our children.  Wow!  That means the world to me!  She didn't just tell me that she would pray for us.  She really does, and has a tangible reminder to do so.  So encouraging!  And what a blessing!  And what an encouragement for me to do the same - think of unique ways that I can remind myself to pray for others!

She can be guaranteed that I will be diligently praying for her children as well.

We went on into the evening service.  My Prince just told us how we would be doing the prayer walk, and gave us a few specific things that we could pray for at different areas of the school.  We dismissed, and passed out cards that we could sign and slip under the doors, or in the lockers to let people know that we had prayed specifically for them.  I hope when they get there tomorrow and open their doors that they are encouraged beyond words by those cards.  I wish they could have seen the people praying.  Older folks, other teachers, their co-workers, members of their community, teens who will walk those halls each day praying for their peers, children on their knees before their doors praying for the teachers and children of that classroom to have a good school year.  One little one who watched her older brother, who will be going into the 1st grade, pray and wanted to pray too.  The cards don't do justice for the precious sweet spirit that was in those halls tonight.  It is one of my most favorite nights of the year.  And then we were joined by another church, and we joined hands and hearts and stood there in the hallway and man after man prayed for God's hand to be on that school this year.  How awesome it is to know that our prayers have no time restraints, and that God could start a revival of epic proportions in that very place this year.

When we finished praying, the Youngest Princess went home with a friend for one last summer sleepover before school starts again.  The Oldest Princess and the Young Prince went out with some friends for dinner.  My Prince and I ran by a local store and then came home by ourselves.

The Youngest Princess called to say that she was coming by and needed her pillow and her Buddy Bear.  I got that together as well as sleep clothes and clothes for her to wear tomorrow.  She also wanted to show her friends the hedgehog, so I got him out of the cage and took him out to the car so her friends could see him.

After they left again, the older two came home.  My Prince was ready to go to bed, so I got ready to come upstairs as well.  The older two children came into the living room and told us that since the Youngest Princess was gone, they were going to supply our entertainment for the night.  My son turned on his music and lip synced and danced to "Johnnie B. Goode".  And he did a really good job of it too, I must admit.  I told the kids I have heard the song many times, and I know the chorus, but I have never really listened to the words of the verses.  Then he went on to do several other songs for us as well.  We were pretty impressed.

I came on up to blog, and My Prince got distracted by shiny things, and stayed downstairs to watch part of a movie with the Young Prince.  Now, he has joined me, and I'm going to finish this up and go to sleep. (breaks into tears) tomorrow!

Until I blog again...

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